Decoded Name |
Iterator over Bullet Firing |
Operation |
A mobile ordnance production factory. Iterator_BF contains the full machinery to produce armaments to backup combat forces at distant locations.
Its internal compartments are full of hazardous and volatile content, thus it is protected by an extremely secure hull that can withstand strong damage before
falling apart.
Combat Specs |
- Armor: Heavy.
- Attack: Directed missiles.
- Maneuverability: Low.
Dimensions |
43m x 43m x 56m |
Iterator_BF's heavy armor lends to longer encounters. Heavy concentrated fire power is the only way to neutralize it. However, it is also of paramount
importance to keep an eye on the missiles it fires during the encounter and avoid them. The missiles are not particularly fast, but can sneak up if left
green ripple buster is the best weapon to take down
Iterator_BF's strong hull.